Media Coverage

April 29, 2022

The INESC TEC stand featured the ResponDrone project, presented by the Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia (CTM); the project comprehends a drone and its communications box, which are used to provide dynamic network coverage to users on land, e.g., rescue teams in emergency scenarios.

No espaço do INESC TEC estiveram em exposição o projeto ResponDrone, apresentado pelo Centro de Telecomunicações e Multimédia (CTM), que consiste num drone e respetiva caixa de comunicações usados para oferecer cobertura de rede dinâmica a utilizadores em terra, tais como equipas de socorristas em cenários de emergência. 

April 1, 2022

El director de proyectos de Alpha Unmanned Systems, Juan Perrela Clavería, explica a en una entrevista las caracteristicas del proyecto ResponDrone en el que ha participado la empresa.

March 24, 2022

La empresa Española Alpha Unmanned Systems ha completado con éxito los últimos ejercicios del Proyecto Europeo Respondrone que lidera junto a la compañía alemana DLR.

February 25, 2022

Des participants au projet international ResponDrone sont réunis depuis mercredi à l’école départementale des sapeurs-pompiers de Haute-Corse, à Corte. Formation innovante sur les drones, il s’agit d’une première action de portée européenne en matière de sécurité.

February 23, 2022

Ce mercredi 23 février, les pompiers du service d’incendie et de secours de Haute-Corse (SIS2B) ont pris sous leurs ailes des confrères de Lettonie et de Grèce pour les former à une plateforme de pilotage de drones. Cet outil novateur sera un allié des secours dans les années à venir.

September 29, 2021

Medikamente transportieren, Gefahren erkennen, Rehe aufspüren – Drohnen können richtige Superheldinnen sein. Wir zeigen, wie das funktioniert und wie ihr selbst Drohnen fliegen könnt.

June 8, 2021

The international ResponDrone project has integrated into its situation awareness system for emergency situations a near real-time 3D mapping solution.

June 8, 2021

The upgraded ResponDrone System will provide accurate location information to first responders, especially in relation to infrastructure, when called on to deal with a fire, flood or any other natural disaster.

January 14, 2021

EU-funded researchers looked into how much people know about drones, and especially their use in emergency situations. The answer? Not much.

Ein EU-finanziertes Forschungsprojekt hat untersucht, wie viel die Bevölkerung über Drohnen weiß, insbesondere über deren Einsatz in Notfallsituationen. Die Antwort? Nicht viel.

Investigadores financiados con fondos europeos analizaron cuánto sabe la gente sobre los drones, especialmente sobre su uso en situaciones de emergencia, y llegaron a la conclusión de que no se conoce mucho.

Alcuni ricercatori, finanziati dall’UE, hanno esaminato quanto le persone sappiano sui droni e soprattutto sul loro utilizzo in situazioni di emergenza. La risposta? Non molto.

Des chercheurs financés par l’UE ont étudié ce que les gens savent des drones, et en particulier de leur utilisation dans des situations d’urgence. La réponse? Pas grand-chose.

Korzystający z unijnego dofinansowania badacze sprawdzili, ile ludzie wiedzą na temat dronów, a zwłaszcza ich wykorzystania w sytuacjach awaryjnych. Jak się okazuje, ich wiedza nie jest imponująca.

November 9, 2020

A recent study performed by The ResponDrone Project found that most people are unaware that first responders are using drones. The group held focus groups in six European countries, with people sharing that they believed drones are mostly used by the military, content creators, and sold as toys.

November 9, 2020

The EU-funded ResponDrone Project held focus group discussions, which revealed that most participants associated drones with amateur photography and videography, children’s toys and military operations, or knew very little about drones.

November 7, 2020

What people think about drones is of critical importance to stakeholders, as continued bad press about rogue drones, privacy issues, and security continue to plague the industry.  

November 7, 2020

AB’nin fonladığı, uluslararası ResponDrone Projesi kapsamında yapılan araştırmaya göre, insanların “drone”lar hakkındaki farkındalığı yeterli düzeyde değil.

November 3, 2020

A recent EU-funded survey called ResponDrone Project found that the general public is unaware of the use of drones by first responders in emergency situations, for example, and that most people associate drones with amateur photography, children’s toys and military operations.

September 8, 2020

Under the motto: “Drones in civil protection”, the security research of the BRK regional office in Munich under the direction of Uwe Kippnich organized a training event on the subject of drones in civil protection on September 4th, 2020. 

April 11, 2020

Alpha Unmanned Systems supera otro hito en las capacidades de sus UAV

La empresa madrileña Alpha Unmanned System ha añadido nuevas capacidades a sus helicópteros autónomos, que ahora pueden ya ejecutar misiones de vuelo Multi-UAV.

April 6, 2020

Alpha 800 UAV Supports ResponDrone Project

Alpha Unmanned Systems’ Alpha 800 helicopter UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) is being used to support the ResponDrone project, providing situational awareness for first responders.

February 2, 2020

Alpha Unmanned lidera un proyecto internacional que aplica UAV en situaciones de emergencia

La empresa española Alpha Unmanned Systemsparticipa en ResponDrone, un proyecto internacional que busca desarrollar y aplicar una flota de drones que proporcione información a equipos de rescate ante situaciones de emergencia.

December 9, 2019

Global Public-Safety Project Wants Data-driven Drones During Disasters

ResponDrone, an international project co-funded by the EU and the Korean government, recently surveyed first responders at a “Design Thinking” workshop in Greece last month. Attendees agreed: constant, real-time data during a crisis is one of the top benefits of drone deployment.

December 9, 2019

First responders see real-time data a top benefit of using drones

Emergency response providers participating in a Design Thinking workshop organized by the ResponDrone Project have indicated that they would like to use drones to gather and distribute crucial information and provide communication networks in disaster areas.

December 9, 2019

First Responders View Provision of Reliable Real-time Data as Top Benefit of Using Drones in Disaster Management

Preliminary results from a Design Thinking workshop organized by the international ResponDrone project indicate that first responders view the constant provision of real-time information in crisis situations as one of the most valued benefits arising from the usage of drones in disaster management missions.

November 7, 2019

ResponDrone set to hold ‘Design Thinking’ workshop for First Responders

Participants from regional and national authorities, state agencies, rescue services and fire departments will participate in the workshop aimed at identifying their needs for the future ResponDrone System.

May 21, 2019

Proyecto ResponDrone para una mayor eficacia en la gestión de emergencias

ResponDrone es una solución innovadora de gestión de emergencias, basada en aviones no tripulados, para responder más rápida, eficaz y eficientemente a los desastres.

May 21, 2019

Հայաստանը մասնակցում է «Նորարարական լուծումներ առաջին արձագանքողների համար» համաժողովին

Ծրագրի ընթացքում մշակվելու է իրադրության գնահատման, տեղեկատվության փոխանակման, որոշումների կայացման եւ գործողությունների կառավարման համար նախատեսված անօդաչու թռչող սարքերի նորարարական համակարգ։ Այն առցանց եղանակով հավաստի տեղեկատվություն է տրամադրելու կառավարման կենտրոնին, իսկ բջջային կապի խափանման դեպքում կարող է ծառայել հաղորդակցության օդային ցանց՝ ապահովելով կապ ճգնաժամային կառավարման կենտրոնի եւ տեղում գործող առաջին արձագանքողների միջեւ։

May 20, 2019


Alpha Unmanned Systems ha sido seleccionada en el Proyecto H2020 ResponDrone de la UE

Alpha Unmanned Systems, ha sido seleccionada como la plataforma dron en el Proyecto H2020 ResponDrone de la UE (Unión Europea). El proyecto, de 8,3 millones de euros a lo largo de 36 meses, lo componen 20 compañías de 12 países y dará comienzo esta misma semana en Madrid.

May 20, 2019

EU en Zuid-Korea investeren €8.3 miljoen in onderzoek naar inzet dronezwermen bij natuurrampen

De Europese Unie en Zuid-Korea investeren gezamenlijk 8.3 miljoen euro in een project waarbij onderzocht gaat worden hoe dronezwermen ingezet kunnen worden om first responders te ondersteunen tijdens natuurrampen en andere noodsituaties. 20 partijen uit 12 landen doen mee aan het ResponDrone project.

May 17, 2019


ЕС и Южная Корея выделили 8,3 млн евро для проекта ResponDrone

Европейский союз (ЕС) и правительство Южной Кореи выделили 8,3 млн. евро международному консорциуму ResponDrone, в состав которого входят 20 партнеров из 12 стран, для разработки и применения системы информирования о чрезвычайных ситуациях и предоставления важной оперативной информации сразу по возникновению стихийного бедствия.

May 16, 2019

EU and Korea back ResponDrone in natural disaster project

The European Union and the Korean government have awarded £7.2m (€8.3m) to the international ResponDrone consortium from a natural disaster drones project.

May 16, 2019


Асоциация на Българските Черноморски Общини (АБЧО)  ще разпространи резултатите от изпълнението на проектните дейности сред общините-членки